
This is the place where we gather our recommendations for books, articles and other media.

In future we would be happy to offer a kind of a virtual media archive with an accent on GLBT-related literature and art.

Our recommendations so far:»


» "Sixteen Propositions" by Michael Denneny

An analysis of the situation (1981) and a call for the cultural and political progress of  gay people. 


»  "The Jewish State" by Theodor Herzl 

 This book is regarded as one of the fundaments of the early jewish self-determination movement. The situation of the jewish people at the end of the 19th century was very similar to those of the gay people: they were a people without a territory, spread over the earth and were subject of worst discrimination. We openly admit that we are inspired by ideas of Theodor Herzl in a high degree, indeed many of his statements can be copied 1:1 to describe the current situation of the gay community. We should learn from the jewish people how to succeed with our notion of a gay and lesbian state.


» "Colonies & Super-Families" by Jeff Koslik

This publication describes a different vision of the gay community - as a part of existing nations, fully integrated into society but still unique in its cultural contribution. An interesting approach to the "queer identity" and the ways to increase the output of the gay culture.


» "Nobody Gets Out of Here Alive" by Steve Jackson

An essay about Patrick Gourley, an US-american gay activist.


» "We Are Everywhere: A Historical Sourcebook of Gay and Lesbian Politics" by Mark Blasius, Shane Phelan (editors)

A compillation of key primary sources relating to the politics of homosexuality. Presenting lots of documents which trace the evolution of the LGBT-movement, this edited volume includes such diverse documents as organization pamphlets, essays, polemics, speeches, newspaper and journal articles, and academic papers.


» "Structures of nationalism" by Paul Treanor

A publication about theory of nationalism (1997). In section 6.13 the author briefly discusses the reasons why gay and lesbian community rather prefers to be integrated than to secede from the hetero-majority society. 


» "Social Movements as Nationalisms or, On the Very Idea of a Queer Nation" by Brian Walker

A contribution (p. 505) in the book "Rethinking Nationalism". 


» "Packerland as Fatherland" by Zoltan Grossman

This humorous article offers a parody of the literature explaining the birth of nations. Too often scholars take themselves a little too seriously - Dr. Grossman offers a corrective.


» "PR-Guidlines for NGO's" by Media Trust, London

Guildlines on such topics as public relations, communications, marketing, dealing with media, design, website. Very helpful complillation, includes practical advices and examples for press releases.


» "The Heterosexual Agenda: Exposing The Myths." by Jim Burroway

This brilliant parody explains why heterosexual lifestyle is dangerous and how heterosexuals plan to impose their views on our society. Subsequently the author analizes the methods for writing a successful anti-gay essay: distortion of facts, misrepresentation of sociological research, intimidation.



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