Catalogue |
4. | Law | ||
4.1 | General legislation | ||
4.1.1 | Ancient legislations | ||
4.1.2 | Civil law | ||
4.1.3 | Criminal law | ||
4.1.4 | Copyright and Patent | ||
DE: Urheberrechtsgesetzt (Deutschland) | DE | ||
4.2 | International law | ||
4.2.1 | General section | ||
DE: Gesetz über die Konsularbeamten, ihre Aufgaben und Befugnisse (Konsulargesetz) | |||
EN: Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963) DE: Wiener Übereinkommen über konsularische Beziehungen FR: Convention de Vienne sur le droit des traités IT: Convenzione di Vienna sulle relazioni consolari ES: Convención de Viena sobre el derecho de los tratados |
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) | |||
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) | DE | ||
4.2.2 | Human rights | ||
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) | EN DE FR ES RU other | ||
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (2001) | EN | ||
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) | |||
Protocol I relating to the status of refugees (1967) | EN | ||
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | EN | ||
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) | EN | ||
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | EN | ||
Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) | EN | ||
Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (1960) | EN | ||
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) | EN | ||
4.2.3 | Military and war | ||
4.2.4 | Law of the Sea | ||
UNITED NATIONS: Convention on the Law of the Sea |
EN RU | ||
4.2.5 | International Organizations | ||
4.2.6 | Extraterritoriality | ||
Shin Shun Liu: Extraterritoriality: Its Rise and Its Decline. (1925) | EN | ||
Punzi Nicolò, Angela Maria: Funzione e limiti del principio di territorialità. In: Studi in onore di Francesco Finocchiaro, 2000, 2, p. 1517-1526. ISBN: 88-13-22783-3. | |||
4.2.7 | Souvereignity | ||
Montevideo Convention ([inter-American] Convention on Rights and Duties of States) (1933) | EN | ||
Federal Republic of Germany, Administrative Court of Cologne: Ruling on Duchy of Sealand refusing its status as an independent State on grounds that the entity is located on an artificial island and has no population (1978) |
EN | ||
PELLET, Alan: The Opinions of the Badinter Arbitration Committee: A Second Breath for the Self-Determination of Peoples |
4.2.8 | Order of Malta | ||
SAINTY, Guy Stair: The Order of Malta, Souvereignty, and International Law.. | EN | ||
Costas M.: Irregular States or the Semiotics of Knight-Errantry.
In: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 2004,
17 (2), pp. 229 – 244. (Springer Netherlands, 2004), ISSN:
0952-8059 (Paper) 1572-8722 (Online). This article examines the transformation of the Order of St John (also known as the Knights of Malta) from a crusading and piratic entity (periodically in Jerusalem, Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta) into an irregular state actor without territory (in Rome). Specifically, it looks at the political rationales through which the Order has been historically constituted as an international subject and currently enacted as an “irregular state”, and evaluates the function of international legal discourse in making up for its missing territory, the supposedly ‘hard’ and ‘objective’ condition of statehood under international law. |
PEZZANA, Aldo: The Juridical and Historical Foundations of the Sovereignty of the Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta. (Grafiche Palazzotti) | |||
SMITH, Harrison: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem : Reflections on Legitimacy. (Valetta, 1965) | |||
A.C. Breycha-Vauthier de Baillamont: Die Internationale Stellung des Malteser Ordens, gestern und heute. (Rome, 1958) | |||
GWYN, Quintin Jermy: The role and responsibilities of the Order of Malta in the World of today. (Rome, 1968) | |||
DE LAS HERAS BORRERO, Francisco Manuel (supervisor: Pilar Blanco-Morales Limones): Análisis de la naturaleza jurídica de la Orden de Malta un ente soberano sin territorio. (Cáceres, 1998) | |||
Francisco Manuel: Análisis jurídico de la soberana Orden de Malta.
(Madrid, 2004).
ISBN: 8497723554.
"El autor toma partido en favor de la condición soberana de la Orden, defendiendo la especial naturaleza jurídica de un ente de carácter no territorial, que se resiste a ser encasillado en alguna de las categorías conocidas de sujetos del Derecho de Gentes. El libro presenta la actividad de la Orden de Malta en el concierto de las relaciones internacionales, medio en el que ejerce el derecho de legación activa y pasiva, firma tratados, y participa en nombre propio en los más importantes foros de elaboración del Derecho Humanitario Internacional." |
MACCHIA, Flaminia (directeur: J. Salmon): Le statut juridique international de l'Ordre de Malte (Université Libre <Bruxelles>. Sciences politiques - Relations internationales). | |||
Félix Alberto Montilla Zavalía: La Soberana Orden Militar de Malta : sujeto del Derecho Internacional Público y Sujeto del Derecho Canónico. (Buenos Aires : Dunken, 2004) | |||
Carlos Alberto, Pasini Costadoat: La personalidad internacional de la Soberana Militar Orden de Malta. (Buenos Aires: La Ley, 1948) | |||
NAKAHARA, Kiichiro: The Sovereign Order of Malta today: an inquiry into its treaty-making. In: Hogaku shimpo, 1969, 10, vol. 76, p. 23 - 62. (Tokyo, 1969) | |||
GAZZONI, Francesco: L'Ordine di Malta. In: Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza / Università di Macerata, 2. ser., 19. (Milano: A. Giuffrè, 1979) | |||
GAZZONI, Francesco: L'Ordine di Malta, ente primario di diritto internazionale senza territorio. In: Università di Macerata Annali della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza ; 3, vol. XXXII, p. 281 - 370. (Milano : A. Giuffrè, 1976) Includes bibliographical references! | |||
MONACO, Riccardo: Considerazioni sulla sovranità dell'Ordine Gerosolimitano di Malta. | |||
PHAM, John-Peter: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta: Typescript. its historical, juridical and canonical profile in the light of recently-reformed constitutional legislation. (Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, Facultas Iuris Canonici; Rome, 2001) | |||
Theutenberg, Bo J.: The Holy See, the Order of Malta and international law. (Skara: Solveigs Tryckeri, 2003). ISBN: 91-974235-6-4 | |||
A.C. Breycha-Vauthier de Baillamont: Die Internationale Stellung des Malteser Ordens, gestern und heute. In: Revue de l'Ordre Souverain Militaire de Malte ; 1, an. 16°, p. 5 - 13. (1958) | |||
HAFKEMEYER, Georg Bernhard: Der Rechtsstatus des Souveränen Malteser-Ritter-Ordens als Völkerrechtssubjekt ohne Gebietshoheit. (1955) | |||
MACCHIA, Flaminia (directeur: J. Salmon; assesseur: E. David ; assesseur: P. Pierson-Mathy): La personnalité juridique internationale de l'Ordre de Malte. (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Deuxième Licence en Science Politiques, 1990-1991) | |||
PEDRETTI, Daniele (supervisor: Andrea Bianchi ; assistant supervisor: Renzo Rossolini): La soggettività internazionale del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta. (Università degli Studi <Parma>. Facoltà di Giurisprudenza; 1999-2000) | |||
PRANTNER, Robert: Malteserorden und Völkergemeinschaft. In: Schriften zum Völkerrecht, 1974, 39. (Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1974) | |||
ROSSELLO, Beniamino (supervisor: Andrea Giardina; assistant supervisor: Gianluigi Tosato): L'Ordine di Malta nel diritto internazionale : tesi di laurea. ( Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Diritto internazionale; 2000-2001) | |||
ZINGALE, Pino (supervisor: Alessandro Tommasi di Vignano): La soggettività internazionale dell'Ordine di Malta. ( Università degli Studi di Palermo, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Corso di laurea in Scienze Politiche; Palermo, 1988-1989) | |||
CANSACCHI, Giorgio: La soggettività internazionale dell'Ordine di Malta in una recente sentenza ecclesiastica. In: Rivista di Diritto Internazionale ; 38, fasc. 1. (Milano : Dott. A Giuffré, 1955) | |||
RAAP, Christian: Der Johanniter-/Malteserorden als multinationale Gemeinschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung militärischer Aspekte. In: Wehrrecht und Friedenssicherung (IPSEN, Knut, ed.), p. 205-217. (Lichterhand, 1999) ISBN: 3-472-03023-2. | |||
CICIRIELLO, Maria Clelia: La soggettività internazionale dell’ordine di Malta: un problema ancora aperto? In: Studi di diritto internazionale in onore di Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, 2004, 1, pp. 47-70. (Editoriale Scientifica, 2004) ISBN: 88-88321-90-X. | |||
MAZZAROLLI, Leopoldo: Osservazioni sulla nuova e la vecchia organizzazione dell’Ordine di Malta. In: Diritto e società, 2000, 1, p. 1-12. | |||
Paolo Papanti Pelletier de Berminy; Wolf-Dieter Barz: Das neue Verfassungssystem des Souveränen Malteserordens - eine Textedition. In: Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. 2000, 48, p. 325-350. | |||
Punzi Nicolò, Angela Maria: Funzione e limiti del principio di territorialità. In: Studi in onore di Francesco Finocchiaro, 2000, 2, p. 1517-1526. ISBN: 88-13-22783-3. | |||
HIMMELS, Heinz: Der Souveräne Malteser-Orden als Völkerrechtssubjekt. In: Vertrauen in den Rechtsstaat, (Goydke, Jürgen [Hrsg.]), (Köln: Heymann, 1995), ISBN: 3-452-22968-8, pp. 213 – 230. | |||
4.2.9 | Vatican | ||
Lateran Treaties of 1929 (Vatican - Italia) | EN | ||
Lateran Treaty of 1983 (Vatican - Italia) | EN IT | ||
BATHON, Matthew N.: The atypical international status of the Holy See. In: Vanderbilt journal of transnational law, 2001, 34, 3, p. 597-632. | |||
ROUXEL, Jean Yves: Le Saint-Siège sur la scène internationale. (Paris : L’Harmattan, 1998). ISBN: 2-7384-6378-9. |