What is Wrong With the Gay Movement
by Lars Eighner
First, too many of us are too nice.
The theory of the current gay movement seems to be to present articulate,
reasonable, and well-scrubbed men and women to the American public. Miss Manners
tactics will give us the moral high ground and shame the majority into being
kinder to us. Public indignation will rescue us.
Does anybody believe claptrap like that? Evidently so. That is exactly the basis
of four of six points in "Waging Peace," a supposed battle plan for the gay
movement (Marshall K. Kirk and Erasetes Pill, Christopher Street, Issue 9:5).
History seems to suggest the nice-person approach can work. That is an illusion.
When the oppressor must negotiate, he chooses to negotiate with the nice people,
and the nice people get the Nobel prizes. But nice people win only when there
are less-nice people on the scene.
The fallacy in the Gays to Save the Whales movement is that whales do not vote.
Dr. King succeeded only because there were also a Huey Newton, a Black Panther
party, and a hell of a lot of angry people in the streets with torches. The
British were impressed with Gandhi's humility only because otherwise they would
have had to deal with far-less-humble people.
That is to take nothing away from Dr. King and Gandhi. A movement needs both
carrots and sticks. We have plenty of carrots. We need more sticks.
Second, whales do not vote.
Gay people are in the minority. That is a fact. One way of achieving political
results when you are in the minority is to form coalitions with other minorities.
That is political reality.
But coalitions are supposed to be two-way streets. The object is not to be on
the good side of every good issue. The object is to secure gay rights.
The fallacy in the Gays to Save the Whales movement is that whales do not vote.
You see plenty of Gays to Save the Whales banners at pro-whale rallies. You
never see Whale Lovers to Save the Gays at pro-gay demonstrations.
It is the same story of no quid pro quo with the antinuke movement, the safe
contraception movement, the pro-Sandinista movement (doesn't anyone remember
what happened to gays under Castro?), and the holistic health movement (which
seems to doubt that gay sex is organic). And, unfortunately, the same one-way
street too often characterizes our relations with black movement and the women's
"Gay is good." Anything else is a cop-out.
As individuals, gay people should support good things. But the organizational
resources of the gay movement should be reserved for gay issues and for
principled, two-way alliances. We must always ask, "What's in it for gay
Third, litigation is not a strategy.
When there is sufficient pro-gay sentiment, litigation can quickly wipe out old
antigay laws that remain on the books only because of legislative inertia. But
where antigay sentiment is strong and widespread, litigation is of little use.
The result may even bad, with rusty, old, unenforceable laws being replaced by
shiny, new, efficient ones.
Gay rights will be won only when expression of antigay sentiments by anyone,
right or left, Republican or Democrat, is political suicide. Litigation cannot
achieve that. Only nitty-gritty political work can.
Fourth, AIDS is not a strategic issue.
I know it is hard to hear that message when so many of best and brightest have
been taken away from us by AIDS. But it is the truth, and it needs to be said.
If AIDS disappeared tomorrow rhetoric would soften, but the centuries-old
underlying homophobia of American institutions and culture would remain. Nothing
in a cure for AIDS would lead to the extinction of homophobia.
But if homophobia disappeared tomorrow, the resources to care for PWAs and to
prevent and to cure AIDS would be promptly forthcoming.
The surgeon general is not our buddy. Neither are the state health departments
nor the Centers for Disease Control. All such people are paid agents of the
straight state. We absolutely must oppose all efforts of the state to gather
information on the gay community and to provide for the incarceration of gay
people under the guise of disease control, and we must make every effort to
interfere with contact tracing and the apprehension of particular gay persons.
Did we learn nothing from the Nazi era? Did the gays who were killed in the
Holocaust die in vain?
Certainly we must continue to try to care for PWAs and to urge the allocation of
resources to find an AIDS vaccine. But we must always put our efforts in a
principled context. Did promiscuity give AIDS a head start in the gay community?
Well, then, what alternative to promiscuity did straight society provided? Isn't
it homophobia that prevents wider dissemination of safe sex information? Then we
ought to say so.
Finally, we must demolish the image of the gay victim.
Too often the message of the gay movement seems to be a variation on "hire the
handicapped" campaigns. When gays lobby their churches, "Gay is good," has often
been replaced by "We can't help being gay."
In fact no one knows why gay people are gay. No one can be certain that
sexuality is beyond the reach of will. When churches reply that celibacy is
possible, the stupidity of the helplessly-gay argument is revealed.
Whether people chose to be gay or not, they ought to have the right to choose.
The correct line is "Gay is good." Anything else is a cop-out.
Originally published in the Advocate on February 18, 1988.